How To Smooth a Bumpy Lawn

How To Remove Bumps Out of Any Lawn - Step-By-Step Instructions for a Smooth Lawn.


Most people tend to ignore how to smooth a bumpy lawn. However, as your lawn worsens, the bumps create puddling in heavy rains and make it challenging to mow.

This unevenness significantly affects the usability and appearance of your yard, sometimes even creating trip hazards.

If you’ve noticed lately that your lawn is bumpy and uneven, rest assured—there’s a reasonably easy way to fix it.

“Knowing How to Smooth a Bumpy lawn without using a lawn roller – is an easy skill for any Homeowner to learn.”

Our methods will save you the trouble and hassle of renting or borrowing a lawn roller and provide a better, long-term solution for lawn depressions and bumps of all sizes.

“How to Level Your Lawn by Hand” – 6 Easy Steps:

Step 1:   Find All The Uneven Areas Of Your Lawn

Before you can fix the bumpy areas in your lawn, you must find them. To do this, give your lawn a close cut, as long grass can obscure uneven spots.

Go over your yard carefully. It’s best to fix all bumps and depressions simultaneously and “Flag” each low spot or bump in the lawn.

Step 2:   Find and Correct All Underlying Problems

Before going further with lawn leveling solutions, Determine why your lawn is bumpy in the first place. In many cases, depression can result from water pooling or runoff in large amounts.

Where this is the case, you may consider looking into new drainage solutions, mainly where your gutters deposit water into your yard.

Actual “Bumps” are a bit less joint. They are usually caused by a large rock, root, or other object buried under your lawn, like bumps  or tunnels caused by moles.   

Correcting the underlying problem will ensure that your yard remains flat in this area once you have removed the projectile below the lawn.

The most likely issue with uneven lawns – is “Depressions” in the lawn. When a lawn is initially installed, the original installers rarely return to even out the “low spots.” 

The rest of this article focuses on fixing the low spots or the depressions in your bumpy lawn.

Step 3:   Level the Problem Areas With Topsoil

Raking Grass Seed into the soil
Grass Seed | Best Home Gear” – Raking New Grass Seed

Once you’ve figured out what was causing the problem, it’s time to fix it. Start by placing new topsoil in any depressions or the hole left from removing a raised bump.

If grass is already underneath, try to keep the topsoil thin so it will grow through.

After the topsoil is in place, use a lawn leveling rake to go over it, break up any clumps, or remove chunks of rock. Try to get it as close to even as possible, employing a level to more minor spots if necessary.

Step 6:   Reseed Lawn – As Necessary

Spreading Grass Seed
Spreading grass seed for a new lawn

Depending on how much topsoil you had to put in to make your lawn even, you may have some bare spots where grass doesn’t grow through. If this is the case, replant using grass seed in those areas, following the steps you usually would, to patch the bare spots.

Once the new grass grows, you’ll be amazed at how smooth and even your lawn looks.

Step 6:   Allow the Topsoil and Seed To “Settle”

New Topsoil for Lawn | Best Home Gear
New Topsoil to Smooth Bumpy Lawn

Many people miss the part of leveling a lawn with topsoil that involves allowing the new soil to Settle.

To do this, thoroughly water the new soil and leave it to settle for a few days.

Step 7: Final Lawn Inspection

After watering the lawn for a few days, check whether it remains level and whether there has been no settling or “water pooling” in unlevel or low areas.

If your sight check proves you have no pooling from water, you’re probably good to go.

If not, you can add more topsoil to any remaining low spots – and level them out.

Allow the new grass seed to germinate and thicken.  In no time, you will be on your way to growing healthy grass – and fortunately – or unfortunately 🙂 Mowing it very soon!

Here’s a Quick Video on “How to Reseed A Lawn” – The essential steps for fixing a bumpy lawn:

A few questions always arise when it comes to smoothing a bumpy lawn. Here are some of the most common questions homeowners have when figuring out how to make yards level again.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q:  Should I use a “Roller” On A Bumpy Lawn?

Using Lawn Roller | Best Home Gear
Using a Lawn Roller – BestHomeGear.Com

A: Many people think rolling a lawn is the best way to flatten the bumps; however, while this method is widely used, it has some definite drawbacks.

The first issue is that rolling a lawn will only smooth out small bumps and depressions rather than more significant areas that may be more uneven.

Secondly, Rolling a lawn compresses the soil, which may be bad for the health of your grass. Think of it as the “opposite” of aerating your lawn – to allow more oxygen and nutrients to feed grass.

In our opinion, Rolling is not a good or effective way to smooth a bumpy lawn.

Q:  Can you Fix a Bumpy Lawn on a Sloped Yard?

A:  The process of leveling (regrading) a sloping lawn is different and much more in-depth than the method for bumpy lawns described above.

If your lawn has a few bumps or dips, you must find your highest and lowest points and correct the bumps according to our steps above.

Regrading steep slopes, however, is often a more extensive project than homeowners choose to tackle on a DIY basis. Calling a professional landscaping company may be worthwhile if you want to change your yard’s slope.

When you’re finished, you won’t believe how much easier it is to mow your grass.

Q:  Can I Remove Bumps From the Lawn Permanently?

A:  Assuming you solved the problem that caused the bumps in your lawn to develop, there’s no reason your leveled lawn should not be able to keep them away from those same areas.

That said, unless you’re installing artificial turf, any type of natural grass is subject to erosion, drought, or disease, which, if left untreated, could kill it

In that event, you will likely face rough lawn conditions in those areas.

Q:  Why Is My Lawn so Bumpy?

A: Uneven lawns can be caused by any number of things, from draining issues to infestations of insects or pests, such as Ants or Moles. The only way to find out why your lawn is uneven is to investigate for yourself using the suggestions above.

Q:  Can I Level My Lawn With Sand?

A: Placing sand on your lawn can make it level like topsoil, but it’s a vastly inferior method for lawn health. Grass cannot draw nutrients from sand, so your yard will have very pronounced thin spots.

We recommend not using sand to level a lawn; instead, use topsoil.


With this basic topsoil dressing technique and basic knowledge of how to fix a bumpy lawn, you can patch bumpy, uneven areas in your lawn with minimal difficulty.

Remember that it might take two or three tries to level your yard, but it will be worth it once you have an even, beautiful yard for your family and friends to enjoy.

Now that you understand How to Smooth a Bumpy Lawn, protect it by knowing how to get rid of weeds in your yard.

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References & Further Reading:

As publisher at Best Home Gear, Kevin draws on 25+ years in Construction, Real Estate, and Property Management, and since 2018 has published DIY advice for Home, Lawn, and Garden Improvements. Your feedback helps us grow and lets other homeowners discover our site. Please don't hesitate to share your thoughts in the Comments Section below!

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Kevin:  Author and Publisher at Best Home Gear

As the publisher at Best Home Gear, Kevin draws on 25+ years in construction, real estate, and property management, providing DIY advice for home, lawn, and garden improvements and expert Product Reviews.

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