How To Connect Rain Barrels – DIY Guide for Homeowners

DIY Rain Barrel System - How to Connect a Rain Barrel To Your House


Below, you will find our updated DIY guide on Connecting Rain Barrels. Sidenote: When researching ways to be more energy efficient around the home, I found little helpful information for the average DIY homeowner.

So, I researched the process and discovered that connecting rain barrels to a home’s rain gutter system is not complicated and is a project most homeowners can complete in 2 to 3 hours or less.

As you might not know, an average-sized roof can produce massive amounts of rainwater runoff (up to 500 Gallons per hour for a 1,000-square-foot roof). 

So it’s plain to see – Connecting rain barrels to your roof’s downspout will take massive advantage of local rainfall.

After some in-depth research, we discovered how simple a rain barrel project is and wrote an in-depth article to help you connect a downspout to your rain barrel.

Note: See our “How to Set up more than one rain barrel” section below to connect a multiple-rain barrel system.

Whether you already have a single rain barrel in place, are wondering how to connect multiple rain barrels, or are looking to install your very first rain barrel – you’re definitely in the right place, and here’s how to begin:

Materials To Build a Rain Barrel (DIY)

If you’re wondering how to hook up a rain barrel and do it yourself, You will need:

  • Rain barrel
  • Diverter Kit 
  • Spigot (Faucet)
  • Fittings
  • Adaptor (for downspout)

(Here is a complete DIY kit that gives you the barrel and all the fittings you’ll need.)

1) What is the “Best Type” of Rain Barrel To Install

You’ll also need to decide what rain barrel you’d like. There are many options and types of rain barrels. I’ll go into more detail later in the article, but for now, I’ll touch on some of the most common types of rain barrels:

  • Plastic rain barrel. These are very popular and readily available in most DIY or hardware stores. They’re usually made out of PVC or polyethylene.  Plastic rain barrels are also considered the most hygienic and safer for storing water.
plastic rain barrel connection - best home gear
Plastic Rain Barrel Connected to Downspout –
  • Wooden rain barrel. These are a classic choice and can look beautiful if designed right.
wooden rain barrel - best home gear
Connecting Wood Rain Barrel to downspout –
  • Collapsible Rain barrel. Also called a”Pop-Up” Rain barrel, and just as the name suggests – Collapsible rain barrels are flat-packed and pop-up, ready to use. These can be a rapid option and are easily moved when not in use, like in Winter.
collapsible rain barrel - best home gear
Collapsible Rain Barrel –
  • Rain barrel and planter. These can look great and can be a feature of your garden. It’s just like it sounds: a rain barrel with a planter and flowers or plants.
Rain Barrel with planter - best home gear
Rain Barrel Planter –

How to Connect a “Rain Barrel to Downspout:

Follow these simple steps to connect your first rain barrel – These instructions are everything you need to hook up a rain barrel to a downspout:

  1. First, you must decide how many rain barrels you willto collectAs we mentioned earlier, a 1,000 sq. ft. roof can shed up to 500 gallons of water in an hour—that’s a ton of water (literally).
  2. Next, determine which gutters or downspouts you’ll use to connect your rainwater. Much of this will depend on how much rainwater you want to collect. If you have a medium-to-large garden, we suggest “daisy-chaining” multiple rain barrels together (see method below).
  3. Buy the rain barrel type you want to install and assemble it.
  4. Next, buy a suitable rain barrel connector to the downspout, like our favorite, the Mystic diverter kit from Oatey.

Oatey Mystic Rainwater Collection System, 2 in. x 3 in., White

The genius idea with the Mystic by Oatey downspout connector is that you can use the built-in rainwater shut-off valve to prevent too much water from entering a single rain barrel.

5. Assemble the rain barrel according to the instructions, which may include installing a hose connector or spigot and connecting the overflow hose. (The rain barrel overflows when it is filled.)

6. Prepare the area where the rain barrel will sit. It should be on a solid, flat surface, such as concrete. If you put the barrel on grass, mud, or sand, you can install concrete pavers to ensure it is sturdy and level.

7. Raising a solid surface a few inches above the ground is advisable. When full of water, a 50-gallon rain barrel weighs 420 lbs, so this step should be taken seriously.

8.  Place the rain barrel on the spot you’ve decided. Make sure the area is level and the barrel is stable.

9. Drill a hole in the rain barrel for the lower faucet (faucet). Refer to the instructions for the size of the hole to drill. If you’ve gone for the DIY kit, you’ll see the connector and the hole size.

10. If you’ve gone for a complete barrel and kit package, it’ll be a similar process (but the barrel may already have the hole drilled). The best location for doing it yourself is usually central and nearer the bottom (3-4 inches off the bottom of the barrel is usually a good location).

11. Insert threaded bushing into the rain barrel before installing the Lower spigot.

12. Insert the faucet into the hole. This is where the water will come out of the barrel.

13. Drill a hole in the top of the rain barrel to connect it to the rain downspout. This is the same process you used to drill the hole for the faucet.

NOTE: If you’ve bought an all-in-one kit, the barrel may already be pre-drilled for a downspout.

14. Install the Downspout Elbow (usually a 90-degree bend) from the downspout into the rain barrel.
Note:  If you went for the DIY kit, select an area near the top (3-4 inches off the top) and central. I’d recommend 90 degrees from the spigot location.

15. Push the rubber bushing for the downspout into the hole drilled in the top of the rain barrel, and connect the downspout by pushing it into the top of the rubber bushing.

16. Create an overflow line.  To allow the rain barrel to overflow when it’s complete, Drill a hole about 4″ below the top of the Rain barrel.

Make sure you measure this correctly and follow the instructions on the pack. You’ll need a hose connector that goes into the rain barrel, including a garden hose connector, so the new hole needs to fit that size.

17. Once the hole is drilled in the rain barrel, you can install the hose connector into place.

18.  The final step is to attach a garden hose to the new hose connector in the rain barrel and divert the water overflow to a suitable runoff location.

Although this appears to be a considerable number of DIY steps, they go quickly and, once completed, allow you to harvest any future rainwater for use in your garden for years to come.

What Is the Best Type Of Rainwater Diverter to Use?

The two most popular types of rainwater diverters are the Inline and the Gutter Elbow designs.

1). Inline Adjustable Rainwater Diverter:

Adjustable INLINE rainwater diverter –

For example, the KMJETNIVY rainwater diverter is cut line into a downspout 6″ above the rain barrel. 

Inline rainwater diverters are popular because a valve allows you to control the water flow into the rain barrel. The remainder of the water flows down the downspout and into the ground.

2). Gutter Elbow Diverter 

Elbow Rainwater Diverter image
Elbow Rain Barrel Diverter with Mesh Screen- Best Home Gear

Elbow Diverters capture ALL the water from the downspout, pouring rainwater directly into the Rain barrel. 

There is typically no way to regulate the water collection, and therefore, the Elbow Diverter method requires an overflow hose or connections to multiple rain barrels.

In addition, it is advised to purchase a Mesh Rainwater “Screen” to filter debris from the rainwater gutter system.

NOTE: Elbow diverters, by design, “terminate” the downspout where they are installed. There is no overflow option at ground level.

Check out this How to Install A Rain Barrel (Video): Using “Elbow” Diverter.


How to Connect Two Rain BarrelsRain Barrel

Many people want to connect two (or more) rain barrels to double the rainwater they collect.

A decent-sized garden could be a great way to avoid watering your plants with tap water.

Option 1:  The easy method for connecting two or more barrels:

  • Install your first rain barrel, a minor 6″ above barrel number 2.  Note: if you need a quick reminder about installing a single rain barrel, follow the instructions I listed in the article above:  How to install a rain barrel. 
  • Since you are connecting two or more barrels, ensure adequate, sturdy, and very level space.
  • Connect your rain barrels with a hose at the top so the surplus will flow into the second barrel—However, make sure your first line up and install your first barrel under the downspout you are using.
  • Using a 1 1/2″ hole saw, drill a hole in the side of each barrel at the same height and about 3” from the top.
  • Insert the connector kit (see link above) at the TOP of barrel number 1 and your second barrel, connecting both barrels with the hose provided.  We like the “Earthminded Kit” for connecting two Rain barrels.
  •  Attach a commercial-grade Spicket like a Renator to the bottom of your first barrel.  As your first barrel fills, the second barrel will accept overflow, allowing you to fill from your picket into two rain barrels.
  • Overflow: Ensure you attach a third hose 3″ from the top of barrel #2 to act as an Overflow and run it to a permeable area in your garden. (If you use an adjustable diverter in your downspout, you may not need the overflow hose.) 
  • This precaution is used if the diverter in your downspout allows too much water to collect in your system; the excess will have someplace to flow.

Need a rain barrel connector kit? You can find one here on Amazon!

Optional Rain Barrel Collection Methods:

Daisy Chain Rainwater Collection (for four or more rain barrels) 

Connecting Multiple Rain Barrels - Best Home Gear

Daisy Chain Rain Barrel Instructions:

  • Use the above diagram as an excellent method to link multiple rain barrels.
  • We suggest raising your barrels off the ground onto a flat, solid surface.
  • Get commercial-grade spigots. Remove the plug from the lower port and attach a faucet to the hole.
  • You’ll need a Y-splitter, which attaches to the faucet and allows you to connect to 2 different barrels.
  • You’ll need a short hose with two female ends, which can be attached to the next splitter and barrel.
  • You’ll need a submersible pump and a hose to attach it to. Drop the pump into the mother barrel. 
  • Feed the hose out through the bung at the top of the barrel. Attach this to a sprinkler system. You’ll usually get around 15 minutes of watering per full barrel.

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Is Rainwater Harvested from Roofs Safe for Drinking?

In Most Cases, Rainwater is perfectly safe for vegetable or herb gardens. There are, however, a few precautions that you should consider:

1) Use Rainwater for the Soil (Not the Plants)

The NACCA study points out that rainwater applied to the ground moves through the soil and is essentially “filtered” and safe for plants before it reaches the roots. However, it is never advised to water the plant’s leaves or vegetables directly.

Trace amounts of metal and other contaminants have been found in roof-roof rainwater runoff, which should never directly contact food sources.

2) Don’t Drink Harvested Rainwater!

Many studies, such as those by Rutgers University, have concluded that while using harvested rainwater to water your garden is a safe food for human consumption, using harvested rainwater for human consumption is not okay. 

Because of the materials and environmental exposure to roofs, rainwater is unsafe for humans.

3) Environmental Impact on Harvested Rainwater

Roofing materials vary greatly, and while some materials, such as asphalt, slate, or composite, pose a lesser risk of contaminants, wood shake shingles were singled out as the worst offenders for surface runoff of rain.

Wood shakes are porous and absorb—and therefore release—environmental contaminants much more than less porous materials.

In addition, birds and rodents can visit rooftops, and when they leave behind their calling card, that waste can produce E. coli. 

While Rutgers specifically tested for E. coli in their 12-barrel study, that contaminant was not deemed harmful for garden soil, assuming that collection barrels are adequately maintained.

4) How to Keep Rain Barrels Clean

The Rutgers study shows that rain barrel users should initially clean them with a 3% bleach solution before collecting water to irrigate and grow a vegetable or herb garden.

Use a household, unscented bleach with a 5–6% chlorine solution at a mix rate of 1/8 teaspoon (8 drops) of bleach per gallon of water.

A typical 45-55 gallon rain barrel will need approximately one ounce of bleach added monthly.  If you have frequent rainfall, consider adding bleach solution more often. 

Again, this step is required to maintain rain barrels for garden soil rainwater, not human water consumption.

Different Types of Rain Barrels

As discussed earlier, you can choose many different types of rain barrels. Every budget has an option, so installing one doesn’t have to cost much.

If you’d like your rain barrel to be a focal point of your garden, select a beautifully designed wooden barrel or a barrel and planter.

DIY rain barrel converter kit – Check out a DIY rain barrel converter kit on Amazon here.

Plastic rain barrel

Plastic Rain Barrel - Best Home Gear
Plastic Rain Barrel –

If you’re on a strict budget and would like a rain barrel solution but are not too concerned with its design or functionality, then a plastic rain barrel could be the best solution.

There’s no reason you can’t change the barrel in the future, but it’s a great option to get you started.

You’ll easily be able to pick one up in most DIY or hardware stores or online.

Here is a simple rain barrel on Amazon. This isn’t a complete kit, so you’d need the barrel converter kit further up this article.

Here is a link for a complete plastic rain barrel kit, which already includes a faucet and has the holes drilled.

Wood rain barrel

wooden rain barrel - best home gear
Wooden Rain Barrel –

I love the look and design of wooden rain barrels. They can be beautiful creations that enhance any garden. You can have one specially made for you or simply search online for one. Below is a style that I like.

Check out a wooden rain barrel here on Amazon!

Pop-up rain barrel

popup rain barrel - best home gear
Pop Up Rain Barrel –

A collapsible pop-up rain barrel is probably one of the easiest and fastest solutions. They’ll most likely come with the holes already in place and sometimes even with the faucet already attached (shown below)

Check out a Collapsible Rain barrel on Amazon.

Rain barrel and planter

Rain Barrel Planter
Rain Barrel Planter

If you have the budget and love gardening, a rain barrel and planter are the best solutions. There are many different designs and styles. If you’re interested in this barrel type, browse the link below.

Check out a rain barrel and planter here on Amazon!

Frequently Aske Questions:  (FAQ)

Q:  What are the Benefits of Having a Rain Barrel?

These are 6 Great Benefits of Having and Using a Rain Barrel

  1. Rainwater is much better for plants and flowers than water from a tap. Tap water contains fluoride and other chemicals unsuitable for plant roots. Rainwater is natural and is much better for plants.
  2. You’ll have your water source, even during drought, hosepipe bans, or watering restrictions.
  3. Reduce runoff pollution. When it rains and water lands on the ground, it can pick up commercial pollutants, soil, oil, or fertilizer, which can run into lakes and rivers, harming nature.
  4. Capturing rainwater helps reduce water waste. It minimizes the need for as much water to go through the lengthy and costly water processing cycle.
  5. Save money! You’ll also save money and reduce your water bill.
  6. Using a Rain Barrel Helps the environment and inspires others to do the same.

Q:  How Do You Connect a Rain barrel to a Downspout?

A:  Here are the steps on how to connect a rain barrel to a downspout:

  1. Prepare your tools and materials. You will need a hacksaw, a drill, a hole saw, a downspout diverter, a downspout flex elbow, and galvanized screws. You may also need a level and a measuring tape.
  2. Locate the downspout to which you want to connect the rain barrel. It is best to choose a downspout nearest your garden or yard.
  3. Measure the height of your rain barrel. It would be best to cut the downspout so the rain barrel can fit underneath it.
  4. Cut the downspout with a hacksaw. Be sure to wear safety glasses and gloves when cutting the downspout.
  5. Install the downspout diverter. The diverter will help to direct the water from the downspout into the rain barrel. Different types of diverters are available, so choose one compatible with your rain barrel.
  6. Here’s one of our favorite rainwater diverter systems: from OATEY 
  7. Allow the rain barrel to fill with water. Be sure to check the overflow valve to ensure it works properly.

Q:  How much does a Rain Barrel Weigh?

A: A 40-gallon rain barrel typically weighs around 30 pounds when empty. When filled to the rim with water, its weight increases to about 360 pounds. This is why it’s essential to have a solid and stable area where it sits.

Q:  What Can You Use Rain Barrel Water for?

A: Rain barrel water can be used for many things, the most common being watering plants, vegetables, and flowers.

You can also use the water you collect to wash your car ( Fewer Spots) or your dog (even if he’s not named Spot).

If you have enough water barrels and excess water, you can use it to water your lawn during dry or hot spells.

Q:  What Size Rain Barrel Do I Need?

A: When deciding on a rain barrel size, consider how much water you will use. Untreated water can stagnate if left unused for an extended period.

Typically, 15 minutes of watering plants will use around 45 gallons.

A good calculator helps you determine how much water you can expect to collect based on your area and roof size.

Rain barrels come in sizes ranging from 200 to 2000 liters. It may be wise to go for a 300-600 liter barrel if you’re starting out.

Q:  How many inches of rain does it take to fill a rain barrel?

A:  As a rough guide for every one inch of rainfall on a roof catchment area size of 1000 square feet, you should be able to collect around 500 gallons of water – per hour! 

That’s a lot of Rainwater, so it’s pretty easy to see why daisy-chaining multiple barrels together makes sense!

This method of connecting multiple barrels will also help you with rain barrel overflow solutions, as you will have a complete rain collection for your personal needs.

Q: What are the Common mistakes connecting a rain barrel

A:  When setting up your rain barrel system, it’s just as important to know what not to do and how to avoid these mistakes.

  • By not making it too complicated or expensive. (You don’t need to make it a costly solution to harvest rainwater).
  • Do not keep your barrel lid open. If you do, you may have problems with flies or mosquitos laying eggs in the water.
  • By not having a proper setup. Please don’t rush into setting up a rain harvesting system before researching it. This can lead to many more problems down the line.

I hope this article has inspired and encouraged you to get your rainwater harvesting barrel(s) and take advantage of this free resource.

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Additional Reading

Photo Credit from Flickr Creative Commons License goes to Nishanth Sarma and Anthony DiLara.

As publisher at Best Home Gear, Kevin draws on 25+ years in Construction, Real Estate, and Property Management, and since 2018 has published DIY advice for Home, Lawn, and Garden Improvements. Your feedback helps us grow and lets other homeowners discover our site. Please don't hesitate to share your thoughts in the Comments Section below!


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Kevin:  Author and Publisher at Best Home Gear

As the publisher at Best Home Gear, Kevin draws on 25+ years in construction, real estate, and property management, providing DIY advice for home, lawn, and garden improvements and expert Product Reviews.

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